Saturday, April 16, 2011

How Can Remove Spider Nets?

Although often ditakui, most spiders are harmless. Amazing, the spider can spin a web strong and durable fiber than any on Earth.
"Cobwebs more durable and elastic than the strongest man-made fiber, Kevlar, used in bulletproof vests," says evolutionary zoologist and expert cobwebs Fritz Vollrath at the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
According to mechanical engineering professor emeritus John Lienhard at the University of Houston, the spider web is also very flexible, and can even stretch 140% of original length without breaking. For such powerful material, spider's web is very light.
According to the book published in 2007 "The Book of Animal Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong," a string of nets that encircle the Earth more or less just as heavy as a bar of soap.
Fine woven fiber protein of spider has many uses. When the baby spiders hatch from eggs, baby let go of his own net and patiently waited to catch the wind and spread to new locations, a process known as 'balloon'. When the baby spider landed, he will make a web to catch insects to eat.
According to Linda Rayor assistant professor of entomology at Cornell University, several species of spiders prefer to make small webs between the legs and pounce on insects. It only takes a little time and energy than to make large intricate webs.
Some spiders also use nets to create a protective nest or cocoon, and those that use it for a distance of several meters can take advantage of the wind. There is also a recycle spider webs when not in use.
Scientists have long tried to understand the mechanism of how the spider webs, and so far efforts to create a silk in the laboratory often fail.
What makes the web difficult is artificially created, complex protein molecules and DNA sequence repeats. However, scientists understand how the nets to harden in the spider.
Vollrath find the spider melalukannya with mengasamkannya, a similar method of manufacturing processes such as nylon industrial fiber.
After checking the line in the spider, Vollrath said, before entering the channel, the web consisting of liquid protein. According to Vollrath article in Nature, when the fluid entrance channel, the cells draw water from the protein net and hydrogen is pumped into another part of the channel and produce an acid bath.
As a result, a net that has not changed from gel spun into fibers through a solid acid gland of spider spinneret. The spider has a 2-8 spineret, depending on the species.
Spineret this issue various types of nets, from the sticky to no, depending on the time required profit-laba.inilahdotcom

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